

Tchaicka Bogdan
54 Sokol 55
Dnepropetrovsk, UA 49040
Mobile: +380973426645
ICQ: 239906607
Skype: redscream2
EMail: perldev@mail.ru

My name is Tchaicka Bogdan, i'm from Ukraine.
I begin programming and earn money by it in may 2005 year. Now i'm a strong adept of Erlang. But my first language was C++ and Java. At first time i develop desktop application for Win32 : spying system and "work list reports" for building company. After that i took part in startUp project kupui.com and ukrmoney.com on perl - ukrainian analogs of ebay.com and paypal.com. This projects were unsuccessful. In 2007 i begin develop audit system for financianal bank also on perl. During this time i aslo learn php and python/django for outsouce work. In 2011 i found erlang, change job on specialize stuff, and now i'm strong adept of Erlang,thinking that it is a future of modern scalable, highload systems

Detail :

December 2014 - December 2015

    Python developer in http://www.helicontech.com/, developing new company products on Python.

May 2014 - present   
     Developer and founder of BTC TRADE UA https://btc-trade.com.ua,
using Erlang, Python and MySql.

May 2011 - May 2014

Software Developer on Erlang. Erlang developing for commercial bank 

( pbank.ua) messaging systems based on gsm standarts USSD and SMS,
took part in other projects of PrivatBank

2008-may 2011

Leading Software Developer,

Developing financial software for Financinal Union Bank(now ekatirinensky) such project-managers, financinal-monitoring and audition, administration their servers (at the begining freebsd, but now - linux ) solving all security problems,replication,high uptime,variouse Perl scripts for administration system tasks. Now develop application for documental storage on server, with win32 client.

Soft-Ukraine :

Working under outsourcing projects using C#(ASPx) - i don't like it

ZAO Kupui

Software Developer, 2005 - 2009

Developed Ukrainian Ebay http://kupui.com, which is dead now.

And Ukrainian Paypal http://ukrmoney.com.ua with supporting project for it like prepaid services and partnership programs,bought by PrivatBank and have been closed :(

Also I've gained experience with command work.

Education :

2003-2008 Dnepropetrovsk National University, The Faculty of Electronics and Computing (speciality Automatic Iformational Systems ) graduated with

Master degree on English

2002-2003 Computer Academy Step, Software Developer

Expertise tehnologies:

* Erlang developing for commercial bank messaging systems based on gsm standarts USSD and SMS.

* Perl, Python
* Web frameworks (CGI::Application+CGI, mod_perl
Handlers, various Template systems,FastCGI)
* memcached


* Understand object-oriented development,but i prefere to write procedural applications

* C/C++

* my first language, but I can write some quick service tasks in C

* python 
with  Web frameworks : Django

* JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery



* С# (have some expirience of working - outsourcing but not good,i don't like it )

* Java (have some expirience of working, develop some win32 enterpise application )

* PHP ( freelance,outsourcing )

* and Assembler+Pascal+Prolog... at the university

* MySQL with features of 5.0

* PostgreSQL with Django

*nix (Linux/FreeBSD). On my desktop and servers I use

*  Lighttpd, Nginx, Apache administration at work